Windsor In-Home Senior Care as an Alternative to a Nursing Home

Windsor In-Home Senior Care as an Alternative to a Nursing Home

Do you have a senior parent or other loved one and are starting to be concerned about how much longer they can safely stay in their own home? You may have started to consider whether a nursing home is the right next step for your senior loved one, but know that they want to remain at home as they age. When exploring your options for senior care in Windsor and Essex County, talk to the Windsor in-home senior care experts at Amy’s Helping Hands. We offer a wide range of caregiving services that can let your senior parent age in place while still making sure they’re getting the care and support they need.

In-Home Senior Care in Windsor and Essex County

There are a number of reasons why home senior care services in Windsor-Essex from Amy’s Helping Hands can be a great alternative to a nursing home. Here are just a few of the reasons to consider in-home care:

Your Parent Stays in Their Own Home: Familiar surroundings can be a great benefit for seniors as they age. In home care lets them get the care they need with less disruption to their lives, leaving them in the place they already call home and close to the friends, family, and services they’re already used to. This can be especially beneficial for seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia, who could be more affected by being in a new, unfamiliar place.

Custom Care Plans: Our Windsor senior care plans are designed around the needs of your loved ones. Whether they need a lot or a little care, and whether they have specific health challenges or just need some companionship and help with everyday tasks, we can tailor their home care to what’s important for them.

One-on-one Caregiver Relationships: Your senior loved and caregiver will have the chance to get to know each other, letting our caregiver develop a deeper understanding of what they need and how to help while your senior loved one gets a chance to feel comfortable with and connected to their care provider.

Privacy and Independence: With nursing homes being a shared environment in many ways, some seniors can lose a sense of privacy by living so close to so many other people and having common areas like dining rooms and other amenities. In-home senior care not only lets them keep the privacy of their own home, but also helps foster a greater sense of independence as they can still do more things for themselves while still having a caregiver who can help support them.

Learn More About Windsor Senior Care from Amy’s Helping Hands 

To find out more about in-home senior care in Windsor and Essex County, call 519-915-4370 or contact us today. If you’re ready to start your customized senior care plan, you can also fill out our Start Care Now form
