Caregiver Support

Sandwich Generation: Strike a Better Life Balance with These Tips

Sandwich Generation: Strike a Better Life Balance with These Tips Ask anyone in the sandwich generation if they’ve achieved a healthy life balance between caring for an older loved one, children at home, career, self-care, household tasks, etc., and you’re likely to receive a similar refrain: perhaps a sigh of longing, a huff of frustration, or a rolling of the eyes.  And if you happen to be a sandwich generation caregiver yourself, you may be struggling to find the time to even read this article in its entirety! Yet allow yourself just a few minutes to consider the following tips that may just help you to breathe easier and release some of the stress and pressure associated with so many responsibilities: Identify the top priority – and set everything else aside. In any given moment, you may find yourself pulled in multiple directions: your teenager needs help with a homework assignment, the dog needs to be walked, Mom is becoming restless. Determine which, if any, of these needs is truly a crisis or time-sensitive issue, and resolve to tackle…

COPD Flyer Free Download

COPD Flyer Free Download If you're providing care for a loved one who struggles with COPD, you are most likely aware that outdoor air pollutants can exacerbate symptoms. However, did you realize that bad air quality in the home can also be concerning?  Our FREE COPD Tip Sheet describes tips to prevent COPD or worsening COPD symptoms, signs that indicate a call to the doctor is needed and describes a breathing exercise that can help relieve the symptoms of COPD. To download this helpful resource, simply complete the short form, and you’ll receive instant access to our COPD Tips flyer. COPD sufferers can breathe easier with the assistance of Amy’s Helping Hands. We can address: Education about COPD disease management  Exercises to improve symptoms Nutrition and dietary guidance Psychosocial support  Skills to best cope with symptoms For more tips on COPD care or to hire professional, reliable and compassionate in-home care or caregiver respite services, contact Amy’s Helping Hands at 519-915-4370.

Tips for Eating Well for Older Adults Flyer

Tips for Eating Well for Older Adults Flyer Many seniors have trouble obtaining the right nutrition due to issues such as trouble cooking, shopping, chewing or a poor appetite. Learn solutions to these common problems by downloading our FREE Tips for Eating Well for Older Adults Flyer. To download this helpful resource, simply complete the short form, and you’ll receive instant access to our Tips for Eating Well for Older Adults flyer. For more tips on senior nutrition or to hire a professional in-home companion to help with shopping and preparing meals, and to make meal time a social time, contact Amy’s Helping Hands at 519-915-4370.

Community Resources

Community Resources HELPFUL INFORMATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES   For Seniors and Caregivers in Windsor:   LHIN - Local Health Intigration Network Phone: 519-258-8211 Diabetes Wellness Windsor Essex Community Health Centre Phone: 519.997.2823 Life After Fifty - Seniors Centre Family Services - Windsor Essex Advocacy Counselling and Support Alzheimer Society Coach Broyle Alzheimer's Playbook - A Practical Guide for Caregivers ALS Society of Ontario Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Diabetes Association Canadian Hearing Society Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association Canadian National Institute for the Blind Canada Pension & Old Age Security Heart and Stroke Foundation…

Managing Stress

Managing Stress Managing Caregiver Stress Caregiving, for a loved one may be the toughest job you will ever undertake. The struggle to provide quality care, make care decisions, and meet the needs of the parent or loved one are often constant and overwhelming. That struggle can be lost if a caregiver becomes burnt-out and no longer able to provide the care for the family member. If you answer yes to any of the questions below it may mean you are experiencing caregiver stress. It is important to seek assistance, prior to becoming burnt out. Ask the following questions about your situation: I find I can't get enough rest. I don't have enough time for myself.  I don't have time to be with other family members beside the person I care for.  I feel guilty about my situation.  I don't get out much anymore.  I have conflict with the person I care for.  I have conflict with other family members.  I cry every day.  I don't feel I have enough knowledge or experience to help the person…

Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention Fall Prevention in seniors is the leading cause of hospital and nursing home admissions. Here are the statistics: The leading cause of injury for those over 65. The sixth leading cause of death in persons over 65. 1/3 to 1/2 of persons over 65 are prone to falling with falls being more common in older females. ¼ of seniors over the age of 75 that experience a fall will not survive past 1 year. 1 in 3 Seniors will fall at least once in their lifetime    Canadians spend $3 Billion annually in direct/indirect costs related to falls. Tips and Suggestions With MINIMAL Effort / Expense Wearing of comfortable, supportive footwear and appropriate length of pant leg Correction of slippery surfaces by using non-slip waxes on hard floors Removal of throw rugs and use of non-slip mats in bath, shower and on other wet surfaces, such as entrances, laundry and kitchen sink areas; Removal of obstructions and elimination of clutter; watch for pets; Ensuring that electrical cords do not extend across…
