Family Caregiver Tips

The Dangers of Emotional Empathy for Caregivers

The Dangers of Emotional Empathy for Caregivers Empathy is, obviously, an integral characteristic of effective caregiving. The ability to put yourself in another individual's shoes allows you to better meet their needs. However, there is a particular kind of empathy you need to understand as a caregiver in order to protect your own overall health: emotional empathy. The dangers of emotional empathy for caregivers are very real and may surprise you. Emotional empathy takes caring to a different level. In place of simply understanding how someone else is feeling, emotional empathy involves actually experiencing their feelings. For example, if you’re somebody who is very emotionally empathetic, sitting beside an individual who is crying will bring tears to your own eyes. If they're in pain, you'll also experience distress. You’re the kind of individual who will spring into action when someone has a sudden need. Is Emotional Empathy Harmful for Caregivers? Emotional empathy in and of itself isn’t a bad thing. Yet for a…

Why You Need to Cultivate a Meaningful Life for Seniors Each Day

Why You Need to Cultivate a Meaningful Life for Seniors Each Day What is it that gets you out of bed each and every morning? If you are part of the sandwich generation, caring for both younger and older loved ones, your list is probably quite extensive! As the nest empties, however, it becomes vital to redefine our identity for ourselves. To take it a step further, it’s important to learn how to foster a meaningful life for the seniors in our lives as well.  The impact of continuing to live purposefully for a lifetime are much more extensive than we previously understood. A recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry uncovered that older adults with a powerful sense of purpose demonstrated stronger hand grips and walking speeds, which are two main determinants in how quickly we are aging.  The reason why? Patrick Hill, assistant professor of psychological and brain studies at Washington University, explains, “Purposeful individuals tend to be less reactive to stressors and more engaged, generally, in their daily lives, which can promote cognitive…

When a Family Member Is in Denial About the Need for Home Care

When a Family Member Is in Denial About the Need for Home Care When you begin to notice the red flags that care at home is necessary for someone you love, it’s rather common for that individual to balk at the idea. After all, acknowledging the necessity for help isn’t easy, especially for a person who appreciates their independence and privacy. Yet what do you do when a family member is the one in denial about the need for home care?  Why Would a Family Member Deny the Need for Care in the Home? Denial is a coping mechanism employed to safeguard against feelings of helplessness or concern about an impending change. Your family member may feel much more comfortable sticking their head in the sand in order to maintain status quo. Or, they may not be as familiar with the day-to-day care of the senior as you are, so they are not seeing exactly the same concerns. No matter the cause of the denial, there are several strategies to help you to see eye to eye and make certain the older adult you both love receives the necessary care and support. Educate.…

Caregiving by Yourself? These Tips Can Help!

Caregiving by Yourself? These Tips Can Help! The poet John Donne penned the famous words, “No man is an island,” but for an adult child without siblings, caring for aging parents may leave you feeling very alone indeed. Without brothers and sisters to share in care duties and decisions, everything falls on your shoulders. How can you manage all of the responsibilities necessary if you’re caregiving by yourself? From a positive perspective, providing senior care without the input of siblings can actually be easier and more streamlined. An only child doesn’t have to get input from multiple people and try to arrive at a consensus on important decisions. There are no arguments and past family dynamics to enter into the equation.  With that in mind, however, there are some key factors to consider when caring for a loved one on your own: Be vigilant in watching for warning signs that could indicate a need for intervention: bills left unpaid, medications being missed, mobility issues that could lead to a fall, neglected personal…

The Questions You Need Answered During Holiday Visits With Seniors

The Questions You Need Answered During Holiday Visits With Seniors It’s been months since you’ve had the chance for a nice, long visit with Mom. Now that the holidays are here, you’ll have some quality time to catch up. Naturally, you will want to make the most of this time with each other, but it is also the ideal time to assess how she is really doing, and if you're picking up on any changes in her health that perhaps have gone undetected through phone conversations and FaceTime. Holiday visits with seniors provide the perfect opportunity to get a closer look at any potential areas for concern to ensure safety and wellbeing. To help you think through areas you may wish to evaluate, we’ve compiled the following list of questions. Some of these questions you may wish to ask the senior outright, while others may be answered by observing the home environment and the person herself. Physical/Mental Health Do you notice any bruises or other injuries that could indicate a fall? Is she eating more or less than usual? Has she gained or lost weight?…

How to Help Introverted Seniors Have a Happier Holiday

How to Help Introverted Seniors Have a Happier Holiday Hold onto your hats…the holidays are here! Even though there are plenty of people who flourish on the frantic pace of celebrations and parties, there are others who balk at the idea of stepping outside of their comfort zone and into more intensive social requirements. It might simply boil down to one main distinction: introversion vs. extroversion. And it is important to know which category the seniors in your life lean more towards, so you can ensure the right type of socialization to help them feel most comfortable. In particular, it’s important to know how to help introverted seniors enjoy social time according to their own personal comfort level. What’s the Distinction Between Extroverts and Introverts? The truth is, none of us are fully one or the other. Imagine a continuum with introversion on one end and extroversion on the other. We all fall somewhere along that continuum. The chief characteristics of introversion include a more quiet, reserved, and internally-focused point…
